But not Barack Obama.
Only six weeks into his presidency, Obama was the only president with the VISION, the STRENGTH, the HOPE to take control of the country, and effect his change so quickly.
Were this week six or any other presidency; you would be wrong to blame or praise the president for the state of the country.
But this president made sure that his CHANGE was so broad and sweeping, there there could be no one else to thank but HIM for the state of the country.
THANKS Barack Obama.
THANKS a lot.
Your trillions of dollars in HOPE and CHANGE have proven that with enough effort, a new president can make things worse in record time.
Look at the bright side; there's nowhere to go but up now, right?
Uh oh...
the fates will get their revenge!
never, ever, say "It can't get worse", because it will, if only just to spite you
It is never so bad that it cannot get worse. ;)
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