Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama continues to impress... But not in a good way...

When I posted earlier on the Obama administration’s brilliant plan to stop paying for treatment for veterans wounded in the course of duty, I had kind of figured that this wasn’t so much Obama’s idea as it was some lower-level wonk on his team of lefties writing a bad decision into the budget, and that the administration would promptly back off it and throw the feckless ideologue on the growing pile of bodies under the bus as soon as the story went public.

I was wrong. The Best Plan Ever is, in fact, Obama’s Best Idea Ever- which he defended to the face of the American Legion representative that met with him in an attempt to talk him out of this boondoggle. Obama knows the moral arguments, he just doesn’t want to hear ‘em- because he plans to save five hundred and forty million with this cost-saving measure.

From Atomic Nerds

This shit ranks up there with stealing candy from children. We've got to stop assuming these guys hold anything sacred. They are recklessly obtuse, and they must be stopped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

careful what you wish for hopey-one-kenobi...