Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Obama called a liar at his speech

Skip to 1:08

Shouting "YOU LIE!" at the president during a nationally televised speech is very disrespectful.

But disrespect gets you disrespect right back.


Fletch said...

But seriously, this was not cool. This was neither the time nor the place. Especially considering there are something like 5 different bills that are NOT FINISHED and most certainly NOT YET VOTED UPON. This is nonsense.

HOWEVER! Obama fostered the escalation of vitriol and shouldn't be surprised in the least that people are getting angry enough to shout things like this. Certainly Obama is completely innocent of attacking individuals personally, but to let high-ranking democrats to go on national television and call political opponents nazis without so much as a shaking of his head? What the hell do you expect?

JP said...

He did apologize for it, and seems rather embarrassed over losing his cool like that, but then again, Obama is lying. They toss in language that looks like what he says, and later in the bill other language ensures that the first part not only will not be enforced, but mandates coverage of people who can not document who or what they are. . . . gee, who would that cover?

pdb said...

Fuck decorum.

Where has being polite and respectable got us in the past?