Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can we talk about WMDs in Iraq yet?

Now that Obama is president, we can talk about how Saddam had 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" uranium?


Maybe later?


Only Obama had the vision to identify the threat of a WMD-capable Saddam, and bring him to justice! Even when the war was unpopular, Obama knew that he had to surge, and drive toward victory in Iraq. Obama pushed forward against the wishes of the opposition party, and even his own party, because he knew it was the right move, and that failure in Iraq would be a black eye for America that would embolden our enemies, and spur them to strike at our hearts yet again.

Truly, Obama is a man of vision, integrity, and strength.

From Dan

1 comment:

Dan said...

:) to the Obama commentary... tons better than I had in me.