Saturday, August 01, 2009

Quote of the theft

Theft is murder by inches. I trade my life for the money I use to buy the stuff that people would steal. That stuff literally is my life measured in hours at work, in cars repaired and in my line of work, these are often measurable in sweat and sometimes blood! Stealing that stuff is no different than enslaving me to work for you. It's no different than stealing part of my life.


JP said...

That is a beautiful statement in it's clarity, is it not?

Mike said...

Seems to be catching lately.

BobG said...

That has been my feeling for years now, which is why I have no sympathy for anyone shot while stealing.

Davidwhitewolf said...

Yep, I'd say the proportion of the population that believes capital punishment is appropriate for thieves is MUCH greater than anyone realizes.