The 442 is fresh back from S&W. It was sent in for weak hammer strikes, and returned with a note indicating the issue was fixed along with repairs to the yoke for "end cylinder shake." The note said the problems had been "examined and repaired to our standards." I found this slightly amusing since the problems existed when it left the factory. So, S&W quality control; not so good. S&W repair service; fantastic! They paid shipping both ways, and asked only for a short letter explaining the problem and a return address.
I took it to the range, and put 50 rounds of 38 special through it so I could be sure it would be able to serve if needed. No misfires, but one surprise. I've called the Smithy Firestarter before, now I'm going to call it Firebreather. I'm not sure what they did to it back at S&W, but now when I shoot it, 5 inch flames shoot out the forcing cone at 10 and 2 o'clock. It's pretty fucking awesome.
I need to work on my one handed shooting a bit, and my one handed weak side shooting a lot... The trigger was also noticeably smoother upon return from S&W, which definitely improved my shooting with this tiny handful of a gun.
I like it even more now. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I suppose. Maybe I should send my G22 somewhere. :p
Next up are two of the Benchmade 940 series.
The black blade is my first serious EDC, and saw carry every day in every place I was allowed since I was 16. It was my baby. It's 154cm steel, and the action flies open at a hard look.
Turners was having a sale on the late model satin bladed 940 that I just couldn't pass on. It sported my new favorite steel, S30v, and a wider cut on the blade that I really liked. When my girlfriend asked for a fast opening blade she could carry, the older 940 had a new job. Now we have matching knives, how cute.
The differences between the two were the more aggressive blade shape on the late model, the steel, and the coating on the handle.
The coating on the handle was actually a source of discomfort for me. The early model had a smooth anodized aluminum handle that was very easy on the fingers. It was smooth, but not slick. Almost 10 years of pocket carry made the grip very smooth, but never wore the green anodization. The late model had more of a bead-blasted matte finish that initially felt more like a chalk board. It was rough, but didn't afford any additional grip. After a year and a half of pocket carry the grip is much smoother, and no longer feels odd.
One of the best things about the 940 series is the grip shape. It just seems to fit perfectly in your hand.
It has all the curves in all the right places, and feels very natural, and very confident in your hand. If you have yet to wrap your hands around one, I would recommend it.
But don't take my word for it, the incredible popularity of the 940 series speaks for itself. Save up for it. Spend the money on it. It's worth it.
And now a limited edition Benchmade Skirmish.
This is a big knife. It's obviously a combat folder, something you carry where you cannot be armed, or want the piece of mind only a bigger blade can afford. Try to use the book for scale, this is a big knife.
I picked this up from Josh at SouthParkPundit a while ago. I took one look at the light carry wear on the handle and the practically unused blade, and realized he had given it the same job I had intended on giving it.
It's a heavy carry, but it's slim and carries well. At first, you think you'd prefer tip up carry, but the fact is the handle is so long your thumb would have quite a way to travel from the rear of the handle to open it. Pulling it from your pocket and twisting it into a high grip puts your thumb right against the opening loop. Tip down carry is faster on this knife.
Lastly, Spyderco Native II and III. The three is serrated with the wider handle.
Ignoring the sarration/plain difference in the blades, you'll notice the three has a wider blade than the two, and a different cut on the blade. I included a lot of pictures to help explain the opinion I shared earlier. Since then, I have become more accepting of the two, but still can't get over the utter lack of ergonomics.
The three is damn near perfection in ergonomics, while the two is an obvious evolutionary predecessor.
The difference in width of the grips seems minor, but it makes quite a difference.
The clip on the three is also superior in pliability, yet remains strong in grip. It's an impressive design that has clearly been minutely tuned.
Note the finger grip at the choil, just below the blade. The three has a fully shaped circle, and relief cuts in the grip so your index finger feels comfortable and sure there. The two is obviously misshapen, and the edges on the blade side are sharper than the three.
And Ava lounging about.
Those Benchmade knives look pretty cool. Pity they only seem to come in that green color. Well, there is the 943, but the blade shape is different. Unless, of course you do something like this.
Alas, there aren't any knife stores around my area to go look at one in person. If I really liked it I might just get it in spite of the color.
The benchmade 940 is an excellent everyday carry pocket knife. very functional, fast opening, great safety features, very light, and clips perfectly into your pocket without it getting in the way. a great knife
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