Monday, November 03, 2008

LA Times is getting desperate

I was filling up on gas when some guy (early 20s?) came up to me with a clipboard.

Guy: Would you like to sign up for a subscription to the LA Times?
Me: Ha!

The laugh was involuntary, and I did it because I was just listening to how the LA Times was doing poorly, and thought it had to be pretty bad if they had people cornering people at the gas station. It was a little rude of me. I was just going to give a polite "No, thank you" but I felt compelled to explain myself.

Me: No thanks. Not until they release that tape.
Guy: What tape?
Me: There's a tape of Obama they're refusing to release. I don't know what's on it, but I know they won't release it. It's their job to report, and let us decide. They're not doing that.
Guy: ...I can respect that. Thanks.

So how long until the financial backers of the LA times cleans house?
Or would they prefer to eat the huge loss rather than remove the liberalism from the paper?

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