Saturday, February 23, 2008

Rebuild time!

I decided I had been without a backup for too long, and fearing loss of my very imPORtaNt data, I bit the bullet and bought a big hard drive and an enclosure. I wound up with a Seagate 750GB. I've been burned by Maxtor before (I used to think you were cool!), and decided Seagate was the only way to go.

Right now it's backing up almost my entire hard drive (80GB), and after it's done, I'll be giving this laptop the rebuild it has been needing. The windows partition succumbed to who the fuck knows what (my guess, DLL conflicts/mismatches), and was so crippled it couldn't even ping itself without dumping trash in the output (which, btw, is pretty fucked up). Since the Linux partition was working so well, I saw no reason to bother rebuilding the windows side. (which would also wipe the hard drive during the system restore "sledge hammer for a tack" process, requiring another repartition, and a fresh Linux install) But my GF has been missing some of her windows apps, and dwarf fortress needs some OpenGL updates to run faster (yes, somehow it's a window only roguelike), so it's time to take care of business.

At least my Linux user files, preferences, and configuration will be 100% restored as soon as I copy my backed up home directory. I need only worry about losing the tweaks I did to get the system running smoothly (video card, ndiswrapper, external video, etc) so I'll try to catch everything before I rebuild.

Maybe I'll even try a new flavor a Linux.


blogagog said...

So, I'm guessing calling different brands of Linux 'flavors' doesn't sound gay to you? Not homosexual gay, but hardcore Macintosh gay?


Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one who got burned by Maxtor. Nothing like seeing 25GB of Music and a couple hundred...movies, and uh, tv shows...just magically get erased one night when your drive shits the bed. Neat-o!

Made me a big fan of RAID 1 and redundant external storage.