Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Toggle Switch

Bah! The guy who's pushing me to finish my code keeps interrupting me while I'm trying to work!

"Hey, so, how's it coming?"
*remove headphones* "What?"
"How's the code coming. Any progress?"
"Yes, of COURSE there has been progress. I've been working on it for two hours since you last interrupted me!"
"Oh. Yeah. Just checking."

30 minutes later

"Hey, could you check on that alert?"
"Dude!" *remove headphones* "What?!"
"Chill; I just want you to look at that alert."
"Dude, I can't just stop coding and do something else."
"??? Yeah you can!"
"No; I can't! See, in my head there's a BIG toggle switch. One side is working, living, breathing, eating, talking, driving, everything I do. The other side of the switch is just CODING. There is NO in-between! I'm either in coding mode, or I'm in other mode, but I can't keep switching back and forth like this! --Do you want the code or not?!"
"Ok man, code. I'll just look at it."
Gah! *replaces headphones*

Ok, so I was a little pissy, but I'm not a typical programmer, so he should just be happy that I'm not making demands, pushing back deadlines, and screwing around with new shit we'll never use.

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