Monday, December 19, 2005

Aren't I in Texas???

12 18 05
I ask for a Jack and Coke in Dallas Airport…
“Umm… I don’t have Jack Daniels…”
“…I’ve got Crown…”
“…aaand… Pepsi.”
I’m 0 for 2.
“Aren’t I in Texas?”
“Umm… *looks around*… Yes?”
Now I’m 0 for 3.
“Givvus a shot of tequila”
“I've got...”
“Anything gold.”
“On the rocks?”
“Straight up with salt and lime.” I say not wanting to strain her mental capacity by using words like "twist".
*Does nothing for 4 1/2 minutes* “Here you go...” *hands me so little tequila there's barely enough to recognize gold from white*
*contemplates pouring it on the bar in protest/disgust*
*hands me bill for $7.50*
*drinks up*

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