Friday, February 15, 2008

The nanny state. Literally.

I was over at SR SC's place, and he was expressing his displeasure with the incredible passes Obama was getting from the media, the pundits, and any other closet communist with an axe to grind,
...but if I have to read one more article on how Barack Obama affects the people who go to rallies, and have it devoid of any real reference to the content of what Obama says... I’m going to crap my pants. Just crap them... here at my desk, and make gurgling noises.

JC quipped that SC need not worry about his excretorial misadventure.
I already crapped my pants. I think it was an accident though. I just “hope” Barack can wipe my ass for me and get my clothes clean. He says he can take care of all our problems.

It's sad, because it's true.

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