My head is pounding.
My throat is sore.
My legs hurt.
My arm and chest hurt from errant punches.
The ringing in my ears has yet to subside.
Goddamnit I love going to these shows.
Saw Thinking Aloud at Alex's Bar last night. It was probably the best show of theirs we've seen. Head over here to hear some of their music, but I warn you that they are about 4 times better in person. They played a more rocking version of Romance that made this (comparitively) slow song fit their set quite well, and they played my favorite song; What's My Number. We've been following Thinking Aloud since we caught them at a IMAROBOT show. Since that first concert we've been seeing one or two a month, and it has certainly infused my usual music diet of talk radio with some much needed awesome. Not that Larry Elder isn't awesome; he's just awesome in a different way.
It hasn't all been perfect. You have to put up with some really bad music every once in a while, shows without age limits are full of fucktard middle schoolers, and who could forget the light moshing; "Hey, I like this music so much that I'm going to run in a circle and punch and kick while spinning around!", but it's still worth it to hear new sounds and new bands. We've just been lucky since Thinking Aloud is based out of Long Beach so it's easy to catch their shows, but getting to catch shows like Maximo Park (last one on tour) has made the whole experience awesome, awesome, and awesome.
Go to your band's myspace page, and find out when they're playing near you and just go. If you can't find anything then just search for local bars or shows and surprise yourself.
It's totally worth it.
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