Monday, November 27, 2006

Just give him what he wants.

A surprising number of people (some gunnies included!) want to convince you that if you're put in a dangerous situation, all you need to do is shut up, cooperate, and give him what he wants, and you'll be fine. "Don't be a cowboy!" "Just give him what he wants!"

Agree with this idea? I hope not. Because it just got you shot in the face.

Just shut up, cooperate, and give him what he wants? Unfortunately, what he wanted was to leave no witnesses.


blogagog said...

To add more fuel to the fire, it is the policy of the 7-11 company (southport industries or something) that you must not resist when someone is robbing you, or you can and will be fired.

So they are not even ALLOWED to protect themselves. The world is increasingly strange.

John R said...

"Just give him what he wants"

That attitude is one reason why crime is so rampant in today's society. To give in to a criminal is to empower him. An empowered criminal will strike again and again. With each attack (and yes, they are attacks) he gets bolder and demands more. Before long you have a hardened and violent criminal on your hands. His life of crime may have been stopped early if someone would have just stood up to him and caused him some pain. It is the duty of a citizen to fight back, to fight with all they have at hand, to make it hard for a criminal to succeed. Yes you may (probably will) get hurt, but society would be much better off if we got off of our pussified asses and "just said no" to crime.

defiant_infidel said...

...and therefore I would be the post situation "fired", yet alive, former employee of 7-11.

John R said...

"ARLINGTON—Police are seeking help in identifying a suspect wanted in the killing of a 26-year-old man.

Sanal Nathan, a former University of Texas at Arlington student, tried to stop a robber from taking his fiancé’s purse when he was shot outside his apartment complex Monday night.

Officials said he tried to reason with the suspect but was shot in the chest and the suspect fled without the purse. He died at 3:18 a.m. Tuesday at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth."

Thought this article might lead a bit to the discoussion

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the killings were about a mile and a half from my house and in an area I frequently go thru on my commute every morning. This, following an unusually high number of home invasions and stop-and-rob hits in the past few months.

Yup, looks like its time to start carrying something that doesn't start with "Benchmade" or "Spyderco" again. Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six, no? And I can't imagine a jury in the world that would convict me for shooting a man who would murder and rob us for a few dollars and some cigarettes.

Fletch said...

JR, I'm not sure that your article is a fit comparison. Being prepaired would have made that student armed, and prepaired to handle a dangerous situation. If you've not physically, mentally, and materially equipped to take control of a situation, you should not try. Period.

Josh, fortunately California has a minor loop-hole in it's carry laws. As long as your own the gun, and it's your first time, you will only suffer a misdemenor and a minor fine. Read more about it here . There is some level of risk involved (as with anything) though this law is enough to give me a somewhat safe feeling when I, I mean, were I to carry illegaly. As you say; better to be tried by 12...

John R said...

The article I quoted was to illustrate what happens when someone follows the advice of the Brady Bunch or that college chickie. Don't go armed, don't try and provoke the goblin, just do what they say and all will be well. That thinking will get you killed and your women abused or killed along side of you.

You are correct, being prepared mentally and physically will not only allow you to properly react to a bad situation, but will prevent many bad situations from happening.

I did comment on this in my blog if you would like to read it.

Anonymous said...

Yup, I know about the loophole. I carried a little bit before when I delivered pizzas and never had a problem, but just fell out of it for the most part. Being an upstanding citizen, I'm not worried about the consequences that much - as you point out, they're minor - but I'm increasingly worried about the state of my area and what may occur when I go for a gallon of milk after midnight...

I always think about it like the scene at the end of Pulp Fiction - lay low, cooperate until you see a chance, but sorry Ringo, you and Honey Bunny are getting planted by Mr .45 here.