Rabbits love to chew, so toys that they can chew on or eat are the best (check any non-edible toys to make sure they haven't have pieces chewed off. If pieces are missing, try to locate them. Just because they were chewed off doesn't mean they were eaten). Beyond simply chewing, if you can come up with something that they can chew on, and is small enough to be carried they'll carry these toys around in their mouth. They will also try to move "furniture" like their litter box, or food dish.
Loose fabric such as sheet or towel is also a source of entertainment for rabbits. I'm not sure exactly what Ava's doing, but she lifts and moves the cloth in her mouth, and kneads it with her front feet. She seems to play with the cloth when it's bunched up, and has plenty of folds and corners to grip in her mouth. She also likes to run into, and push into dangling fabric. Once again, I'm not sure what she's doing or trying to accomplish, but she seems quite content to push on the fabric with her head so that it slides to either side of her face.
The beach ball was some kind of promotion for something. It was hanging from our doorknob by a rubber band, so we brought it in with no intended use for it. Eventually it found its way to the ground, and we noticed Ava pushing it around with her nose. She'd push it forward, and chase it to push it more, but would usually wind up laying down next to it. She gets excited if you bat it around, or spin it in front of her and does little jump shakes or runs in circles. She's quite attached to the beach ball, and will only lay down in the middle of the room if she's next to the beach ball.

Ava and her beach ball, with a small box for playing with and chewing.
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