Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Do us all a favor

When you're sick, and you work in a small department, that works in a small room, that is understaffed already due to the recession...

Stay home.

I was sick all weekend and two days into the week because of you. Jerk.

You're not helping anyone.


Ry Jones said...

I've lost over a week of work (and PTO) this month to co-workers dragging colds into the office instead of staying home. Fuck them.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine lives in gay-nada and he says they are wonkers on this. Spraying Lysol in and around his area and harping on him about being sick (allergies most often). The flu is ALWAYS the latest WHO scare-tool strain, health paranoia at a cultural level and, wait for it... They say social engineering doesn't work with healthcare...

Stay home you sickos!