He doesn't deal in numbers or years-old results like many others. He's there the moment a high school graduate steps bleary eyed into the real world, and he gets to test their aptitude.
JD is on the front lines in the battle against ignorance
Bad news.
Ignorance is winning.
And it's not the students' fault.
It's the system.
JD is angry.

Very angry.
Even if by magic we were able to fix California's infrastructure woes, what good is it as a state when the people who live in it can't handle simple English or moderate math?
Good fucking luck to all of us. We're going to need it.
He's got RNS Quote of the Day on Sunday. Fantastic post.
You know...if so many people are failing, the smart thing to do it to lower the standards, because then, less people are failing.
It's the California way
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