Monday, April 07, 2008

Mock rapists and they'll leave you alone.

Via this piece of idiocy, comes the following piece of idiocy...

Frankly the best tool against a rapist is laughter. Men can't stand it when you laugh at their equipment. Call it a combination of dick-envy and male ego, but men get really upset when you laugh at their pathetic private little pistol.

Yes folks, it's that simple. Laughter is the best medicine, it seems, to repel violent serial rapists. Why hadn't anyone thought of this before? Every woman carries with her the ability to laugh, so once this gets out, it will stop all forms of rape!...

... Or maybe it'll just make the rapist more angry, more violent, and more likely to kill his prey. I don't know. I'm not a psychologist. But hey, it's worth a shot try. Why shouldn't we all provide speculative information on the internet where women can read it and think it effective against that most heinous crime, rape? Perhaps the writer has some form of experience "decocking" rapists? If not, perhaps the writer would like to put her vagina where her mouth is and volunteer to test her "frank" solution to rape on some violent rapists before she makes recommendations that can get people injured or killed.

Rape destroys countless women a year, even if it doesn't physically kill them. It's something women should fight with every ounce of their spirit, and every tool available to them including firearms and firearm training.


Kent McManigal said...

The laughter might be more effective after you've shot off his "tool".

Anonymous said...

Holy f...I mean, wow...that's just...

That site is like a huge collection of every strawman and logical fallacy concerning gun control that have ever hit the intertubes.

It''s an homage to the stupidity of the anti-rights establishment.

I am now dumber for having read that.

NotClauswitz said...

My brain has been raped, having read that monkey-puppetry, but I am not laughing.