There's a whole lot of fail here, so lets go through piece by piece...
"Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun?"
I could understand "you," because if he's going to be anti gun, he wouldn't want it to come out that he employed a gun owner, but "immediate family?" We're back to getting people to rat on other people. It's like doctors asking children if their parents have guns in the house, and how much they drink. Obama's not even president yet, and he's already working on a list of gun owners.
"If so, provide complete ownership and registration information."
First of all, not all places require registration for firearms. Your immediate family could live in another state. Secondly, I don't know if you're supposed to disclose registration information. Seems like something you'd want to keep to yourself.
"Has the registration ever lapsed?"
Well that was straight to the point. "Little Timmy? Have your parents ever done anything against the law? Do they have card games with their friends where they use money? Do they ever smoke funny looking cigarettes? Do they grow plants inside the house? Do they ever drink grown-up drinks and drive? Are you ever home alone?" Would you like to volunteer any of your friends or family for wrongdoing? A good subject always reports wrongdoers! They threaten our way of life!
"Please also describe how and by whom it is used..."
"How and by whom?" Just leaving that open to interpretation aren't you? Give someone uninformed enough rope to hang someone else with?
"...and whether it has been the cause of any personal injuries or property damage."
Why could the Obama campaign possibly need this information? Really. No, really. What could they do with this information?
I'm reminded of those unobtrusive questions phone pollsters ask. Open questions that just get you talking. The correct answer to all these questions is "Fuck you."
But don't worry; Obama isn't after anyone's guns. Can you hear him in the back?
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