Friday, February 13, 2009

The Gun Nuts that weren't

From the LA Times comes; Armed and courteous foes of fewer gun permits.

Dana Parsons wrote an article opposing CCW issuance, and prepared for a hurricane of hatred.

But it didn't come.

Instead he got well-reasoned folks arguing against his point with nary a "TRAITOR!!!11" or "HOPE YOU DIE!!!"

He was pleasantly surprised by this, and I must admit, so am I. Reasoned debate is the only way to change hearts and minds. The fact that more gun rights advocates (and "gun nuts") are beginning to realize this means more success for us.

After speaking to the rationality of the CCW supporters who took the time to e-mail, he agreed that we are just regular, "salt-of-the-earth" people who just want to be able to defend ourselves. But, he notes, that doesn't change that fact that he, Dana Parsons, simply doesn't feel comfortable with more people carrying guns.

Luckily for most states in the union; feelings do not trump the bill of rights.

Perhaps I simply don't feel comfortable with just anyone at the LA Times being able to publish articles. Perhaps I feel it's OK for some limitations on our first amendment rights. Even if Dana disagrees, it's OK for me to infringe on his rights as long as I get a simple majority to agree with it, or find a supreme court justice who concurs.

Fortunately for Dana Parsons, I don't feel that way. I think Dana has the right to his free speech, up to, and INCLUDING shouting FIRE in a crowded theater. I do not, however, think his speech should be without consequence. If he abuses his right to free speech, by shouting "fire," he should be punished. But there should NOT be any form of prior restraint. Because I, apparently unlike Dana, believe that people as a whole are generally good.

I trust Dana Parsons not to shout "FIRE" in a crowded theater, so I don't vote that he and everyone else be muzzled before entering a theater, unless they get entirely discretionary approval from the Sheriff.

Dana Parsons does not trust his fellow man not to pull a gun, and shoot him, simply because the man has it in his pocket.

I hope Dana takes the time to review the permit-holder crime statistics of the other 37 "shall issue" states. Perhaps he can quell his fears and embrace the reality; CCW permit holders are the most law-abiding group of people in America.


MadRocketScientist said...

You did email this to Dana, right?

Fletch said...

I did not... I shall.

Diggers Darling said...

EXCELLENT! (Choose Smithers of Quake for this one!)
