Tuesday, April 24, 2007

NoteTag Information (Long version!)

The following e-mail includes guidelines and instructions to help you get the best out of the service.
Please read them before using the service.

Please try to use plain text e-mail wherever possible.
Please keep the body of the e-mail free from other text. (don't forward messages to NoteTag or reply where it will quote the previous message)
One command per e-mail (for now ;)
Tags have no spaces in them. If you make a tag "San Diego" it will make two tags, "San", and "Diego". Use "sandiego" to keep it simple.
All tags and commands are case INsensitive. This means "gEt CHINA" will be the same as "get china". That way you don't have to worry about your e-mail capitalizing the first word. Caps matter in notes, though.
All single quotes will be removed. So dont bother.
NoteTag is meant to be used to quick (read: "short") notes. Your notes are limited by 100 characters. If you find your notes are too long, voice your complaint, but know that this probably isn't the right service for you.
There is no limit on tags you can associate with a note, so got nuts. (but not too nuts :)
GET CREATIVE! If you think of a creative thing to do with NoteTag, leave a comment! http://tinyurl.com/5g5txp
If you want to stop using NoteTag, please let me know why so I can consider resolving the problem you're experiencing. NoteTag will never get any better if you don't make recommendations. The only dumb question will be the one unasked!
NoteTag is a one-man show! Please bear with me on interruption of service and replying to e-mails. I'll do my best to keep it running as much as possible!

The following commands must be used to start every message to NoteTag. The command, its function and an example will follow.

add [tag] [tag...] note [my new note goes here]
This command adds a note to your database with the tags as searchable words attached to it. You may use one or more tags.
Your note may NOT rpt NOT have the word 'note' in it. It will not read properly. You may use 'notes' or 'notebook' or '-note', anything but a space followed by the the letters 'note' (caps or no) followed by a space. This will likely change in the future (likely change it to 'nte'), please be patient for now.
Also, try not to end your note with a space, as you will require the space when you delete the note with the del command.
add walmart market note remember to buy 1gal of cheese

get [tag] [tag...]
This command will retrieve all notes that have the tag or tags you indicate. You may use one or more tags.
Notes will come in one email per tag, so if you request three tags, you'll get three e-mails with notes.
get walmart

del [note you want deleted]
This command will delete all instances of the note within your database. The note portion IS case and punctuation sensitive, and must be matched EXACTLY.
Since you must match the note EXACTLY to delete it, I'd recommend keeping the notes you add simple.
del HOOOOly CRAP! Im sure Glad I d0nt h\@ve 2 typ3 this on my phone!!!12^%^%$#
del id rather keep it simple

clr [tag] [tag...]
This command will remove all notes that have the tag or tags you indicate. You may use one or more tags.
clr shopping walmart

all notes
This command will retrieve all notes for all tags, sorted by tags. This may be a lot of data, so it is not recommended you run this command from a device with limited output or screen size like a phone.

Use the \"help\" command to get a short message with instructions and guidelines for useage of NoteTag. It will include a link to this information at the end.

Creating notes with multiple tags creates multiple instances of the note with the different tags you requested. This means that if you add three notes for tag "market" and one note for both "market" and "walmart", if you "clr market" there will still be a note for your last note under "walmart". A fix in on the way.
If you want to authorize a new e-mail address, you have to let me know manually right now. Soon you will be given an authorization key, and to add a new e-mail, all you'll have to do is send "aut my_authorization_key". Until then, please bear with me.
[more to come, I'm sure :) ]

Thanks for signing up, I hope NoteTag is as helpful to you as it will be to me!

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