Thursday, April 26, 2007

The beginnings of justice?

Current, former officers indicted in elderly woman's death

That poor elderly woman who was gunned down trying to defend herself from armed people in plain-clothes forcing their way into her house.

Whoops. The plain clothes people were police officers enforcing a no-knock (unannounced) raid on this elderly woman's house. The police did not dress as police officers, nor did they state that they were police officers when they broke into her home. She saw armed people forcing their way into her house and she feared for her life and fired the gun she kept for safety from gang violence at the officers. The officers returned fire and killed this poor woman who died afraid for her life. (More info)

The raid was based on an unreliable source, and the various paperwork steps for approving a no-knock raid were skipped or are being contested. But hey, at least they got the right house this time.

Justice should be served, but it won't bring this poor woman back.

Hopefully this will give people pause and let them reconsider this idiotic policy.

Hat Tip to David Codrea

1 comment:

defiant_infidel said...

The gun grabbers will use this as an example of how the woman compromised her own "safety" by having a gun. Sheesh!