Monday, March 01, 2010

Ahh, the simple enjoyment...

... of dusting off the ipod, setting it on shuffle, and just listening until the battery runs out.


Davidwhitewolf said...

You take another day off work? I definitely can't get away with that at the office.

Oh yeah, I forgot, you're your own boss. The envy makes me hate you a little bit.

Fletch said...

No, just lucky to be at a job where I can listen to music for most of the day without interfering with my duties.

We've been at it for months, and we're still waiting for some paperwork back from Ca. Even then, it'll take a bit to build a client base sufficient to support us. Until then my partner and I will be working on the business while we work full time. Fun stuff. But we do have a few checks waiting for us when we get the extra nonsense finalized. :)

It's a first step, but it's the most important one.

NotClauswitz said...

You guys have jobs? In California?? My iPod always shuffles songs the exact same way.