Please note the milk accompaniment. Brownies without milk, is like beef jerky without pineapple juice. (you've never tried it?!)
Here's the brownies about 20 seconds later.

My dad was kind enough to bring along his good friend Jack...

The picture fails to relate the sheer size of this bottle...
So I've provided something for scale:

Please direct your attention to the dinosaur at the bottom of the picture. Yes, this enormous Cretaceous behemoth is dwarfed by the immense size of this bottle of Jack Daniels.
With an idea of the size of that bottle, please allow me to convey to you the size of Ava, our house rabbit...

Yes, she's really that big.
It's a little-known fact that these nuclear rabbits used to rule over the dinosaurs with an iron fist. Sadly, archeological have mistaken the remains of these immense once rulers of the Earth, and so their secret fades with history...
I can only hope that one day hackers of all shades will unite against the scourge of the internet; spammers.
About 75% of the mail on the internet is spam. Over 50% (up to 80%) of the traffic on the internet is due to bots and/or spyware.
When faster connections become more common, and grandma runs an OC3 instead of her dial-up or DSL (it'll happen) these bots may begin to take up enough traffic to cripple portions of the internet. I believe that when that happens there will be enough malice towards these bastards to start taking action. (there are already a number of movements in the works)
As for the script kiddies who worked for companies writing the bots that do this shit (and even our friend anonymous here who actually gets paid to click through to different blogs, and post this shit manually)(sucker), they'll either shape up, or be ddossed out...
So, enjoy your 8 cents per add comment while you can. Keep thinking that you'll actually make enough money to make your time worth while...
I can't imagine having that as a paying career. I'd like to see the figures of how much shit actually clogs the pipeline...and what they're CTR's even are...is this at all profitable?? Somewhere in Japan this is a 16 year old's night job...his day job is power leveling WOW characters.
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