A vacation has been finalized!
9 days in Georgia, likely sans internets! [insert shock and disbelief here] D:
Going to visit my girlfriend's brother in the middle of September, and looking forward to the awesome that will likely occur. There might even be some paintballing! I'll bring all my gear just so I can see what kind of looks I get.
"Where you from Mr. Speedball? Ka-lee-for-knee?"
I kid! I kid! :] I'm interested to play some real woodsball and scenario ball. You can only take a baby step in the direction of that kind of gameplay around here. Nothing that could possibly compete with the epic 6 hour scenario games across acres and acres of land!
It's really just about getting away for a bit. I'm glad my girlfriend talked me out of the Thursday to Monday idea. I knew I'd just get there the first day, and worry that I only had 4 days left. If I was going to be taking 3 days off of work for a 5 day vacation, why the hell wouldn't I add two more for a 9 day vacation?
How exciting!
Is that you in that pic with the Phantom? I'm in the process of building up a decent WGP Sniper II for woodsball.
But of course, my dear Gudis. Snipers are great project markers! I have friends who picked up sniper bodies for 60 bucks, and built them into pump guns with spare parts, and go shoot out $1000 electros! (best part of the sport, by the way)
By sticking with a cocker body, you have TONS of parts to customize and get it fit just right for you.
Here's my Chipley S5 in a previous form;
Since my recent return to paintball it has undergone a few changes. I should have more up-to-date pics in the upcoming return to paintball post.
Nice to know there are more ballers out there who aren't "agg kidz." Makes me feel like the sport might really make it big.
Mine is a '02 right-side feed I conned my friend into buying when we were both in High School. Unfortunately we never played all that much, so I paid him (way more than it was worth on eBay) for it after he got out of the Army. It has a new J&J ceramic barrel, a crappy 40mm BSA red dot, and a stock I made out of a $4 piece of aluminum bar stock (which actually turned out pretty well). I'm running it with a 40rd Brass Eagle hopper and a 2.5 oz co2 tank; I play woodsball with family and friends, so I'm not yet interested in a full-on stock-class gun. All that remains is a tiger-stripe paint job, a way to remove the pump-handle slop, and some way to attach all the necessary allen wrenches to the stock. Fucker hits a 16" round plate almost all of the time offhand at 80', which I think is about as good as it's likely to get.
Kick some ass in Georgia.
Strange. I had heard that Georgia had gotten the internets.
Sorry I wasn't more clear Blogi, where we will be staying may not have teh internets.
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