Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Building the BOB

Well I'm finally setting up my BOB. I had most of the elements already, but they weren't assembled into one bag.

As I review more and more BOB resources, I'm writing down the things I think will be required. After the initial obvious stuff, I find myself at the second or third teir items that I may or may not need. Most of which I've opted not to add to the bag due to space constraints.

Only problem is, in the past three weeks, I've found myself in need of those very items! Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about pliers or paracord, I'm talking about obscure stuff like prybars. Needless to say most of the items are now crammed into the BOB or on order.

Funny how that works. I guess the universe is trying to tell me something...

The BOB itself has proven to be quite the resource. Now that I've got all these things available to me, I'm finding uses for them. Suddenly I need a lighter? Bam. Beanie? Bam. Flashlight? Bam. Felt tip marker? Bam. Tea? DOUBLE BAM!

I don't know why I held off on putting it all together, but the piece of mind it offers is really quite satisfying.

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