Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Don't ask; I might answer.

Ever veg out and let your mind think odd thoughts, and other odd thoughts that build on the previous odd thought, and when you get back to Earth, you question the progression of ideas that brought you to your final thought?

I do that all the time, except I bounce from idea to idea really fast, and I can't really control when it happens. I'll appear to be listening intently, (and may even be listening intently) but meanwhile, elsewhere in my brain I'm wondering if The Chipmunks could really sing, why would people be so concerned with how skilled they were and not just enjoy the novelty? This is, of course, a rather tame sane example. When the odd thoughts get more interesting they can give me a disconcerting feeling towards reality.

But hey; at least I don't wake up naked in a field, covered in blood.

This is probably why I enjoy activities that allow me to focus 100% on something, and devote full brain power to a single task such as shooting, or writing code.

Something like this is why I'm glad people don't ask me what I'm thinking.

I've been told my brain doesn't work the way its supposed to most do.


Anonymous said...

Damn, I do that exact thing. In my experience, people will stop asking what you're thinking about if you tell them you're trying to figure out the optimal FSB speed/ratio to overclock your computer.

No Names Necessary said...

What about that one time you woke up naked, covered in blood though?

blogagog said...

"Ever veg out and let your mind think odd thoughts, and other odd thoughts that build on the previous odd thought, and when you get back to Earth, you question the progression of ideas that brought you to your final thought?"

Well, sure. It's why I no longer eat vegetables. There's just too much waking up naked in pools of blood for it to be worth it.


Fletch said...

gudis; I'll have to remember that. Though I find that actually sharing what was on my mind at the time is deterrant enough.

SR; Oh yeah... Well, never mind that time. That was the exception that proves the rule...

Blogi; If it was an inappropriate cost/benefit, then am I to assume that you don't _regularly_ wake up naked in pools of blood?

Anonymous said...

Ha, I was thinking about the RAM/FSB ratio when that person asked, actually...